since small we're being provoked to read."mmbaca bku mnambah ilmu pngetahuan".hurm,sjauh mnakah kebenarannye,people know by themselves. i love to read,sgt2~ i once remember during my interview, my interviewer asked me
pkck x: did u like to read novel? (as refer to my form)
me:definitely,i'm loving it(chewah,cam wat iklan mcd lak)
pkck x:how about animation?are you into it?
me:not really,i'm more into comics
pkck x:(hesitate for seconds....) its good u know,it makes your minds more creative
so basically from this story I do think that the words reading is not limited only to ilmiah sources. even if you just take a few minutes to read the headline of newspapers, lots of thinking can be generated from your mind. does it hurts to give some times for reading and gain some,no harm at all. and i do believe that the journey is still long,there's lots that i have not known in this world. ok, i'm old, but not old enough to gather all of the knowledges surrounding this world.(ok find,i'm only 24 right)...i wish i have personal library which have shelves full of books~
so,basically i'm unemployed~and i have lots of free time....urm,i do hope i can get job as soon as possible but at the same time, i dont think i'm prepared enough to be an engineer.sigh,sigh,sigh~what else i can do=p ~
so rather than sticking myself to books,i start to read people's blog.some have their emotional burst,others keep uploading their beautiful journey of life but one things that makes me read more and more is when people try to correct themselves, at the same time they try to guide other people towards Allah.thats when i'm thinking i have lots more to learn...i have lots more to correct myself. im afterall, has long way to go. i will not hesitate to use my free time to read and learn more and more. bekerjalah as if you have 1000years to go,and beribadahla as if tomorrow you will die~
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